This blog isn't for any prudes. It is known to be a little comical, a little sick, and sometimes X-rated. Then there is just the moments of pure boring stuff.
Quote: 5% of our life is making decisions, the other 95% of our life is dealing with the decision we made.
So do you think the above letter will work for my resignation? LOL! I'm turning in my notice first thing and so sick over this. I'll let you know how it goes. Be online when I can. I'll comment here of the details. So anyone want to take bets if he tells me to go on or keeps me to train someone? What is your bet? This is a very difficult man I'm dealing with.
Thanks for all of your support. I turned in my resignation, but with a different letter. He was about to offer me more money until I told him what I was getting and he back down. He wanted to start looking to interview after vac on June 15 from Germany. I told him no. Post this today and hire someone and I will train while he is gone. So I'll prolly still be here for at least a month. I don't know yet if I'm going to be able to blog from the new job. I forgot to ask. LOL!
Whew, the hard part is over! Now you can start prepping to train someone. It will feel so good to leave if they already have someone in place. Congrats on taking the big step!