First, I would like to say happy hump day to all! I should be back in full force Friday. I tried to make my rounds yesterday afternoon, but blogger only let me comments on some blogs and not others. I couldn't even comment on my own. Was anyone else experiencing this? Anyway, what is in a name?
All of these are legitimate companies dealing in regular products
and services, but they didn't think their domain names through !!!!!!
Take note of their 'Domain Names' !!!!!!!!!!
Some of them are prime candidates for the
"What was I thinking?" Award !!!!!!!!!!!
ALL of these websites actually exist, selling something totally benign,
(and work - safe, in case you're wondering).
1). A site called 'Who represents' where you can find the name of
The agent that represents a celebrity.
Their domain name is:
2). 'Experts Exchange', a knowledge base where programmers can
Exchange advice and views at:
3). Looking for a pen ????
Look no further than 'Pen Island' at:
4). Need a 'therapist' ????
Try 'Therapist Finder' at:
5). Then of course, there's the 'Italian Power Generator Company' -
6). And now, we have the Mole Station Native Nursery,
based in New South Wales:
7). If you're looking for computer software, there's always
8). Welcome to the First Cumming Methodist Church.
Their website is
9). Then, of course, there's these brainless art designers,
and their whacky website:
10). Want to holiday in Lake Tahoe ??????
Try their brochure website at: !!!!!!!
Like Gareth said, they should have looked at the sides a little before signing on...
Ames - I wish it was. I'm going crazy.