This blog isn't for any prudes. It is known to be a little comical, a little sick, and sometimes X-rated. Then there is just the moments of pure boring stuff.
Quote: 5% of our life is making decisions, the other 95% of our life is dealing with the decision we made.
Just had to share this. A friend of mine is a nurse and talked to me about the Atkins Diet, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and the latest of course, The South Beach Diet. Seems the major priority people want to accomplish this coming year ( 2005 ) is to lose weight. Since she is a nurse, she has done a lot of study and research on dieting. I TRULY think she has found the real answer to weight loss, the "Don Key Diet." And it is so SIMPLE..... I don't know why, I wasn't smart enough to figure this out for myself !!!