This blog isn't for any prudes. It is known to be a little comical, a little sick, and sometimes X-rated. Then there is just the moments of pure boring stuff.
Quote: 5% of our life is making decisions, the other 95% of our life is dealing with the decision we made.
I'm Being Held Hostage at Work Againist My Will Well it's back to work today. They had to take me hostage to get me here. I came down with a sore throat last night and I'm getting over my girly monthly visit. What a way to start out a work week. At least there is only (4) days this week. My boss is out of town and I have to go check on his and his daughter's cats. I get to leave work to do it, which is an up side. I'm wondering if I can take a nap at their house? Is that unethical? My throat and head was hurting so bad this morning so I doped up on all kinds of OTC meds. I fell like I'm ready to pass out anytime. Please keep me awake. I'm at your mercy. Welcome back to hell, oops I mean work!
Seems to me there are some horrible germs going around the bloggy world. First Carey, then me and now you! Hope you feel better soon. Me? I'm still achy & groggy. Thank goodness I do not have to work until mid-January! It's one of the perks of a job as a professor.